We are a specialist Acoustics Consultancy focused on the development and construction industries. We work on some of the most prestigious projects in the UK alongside the world’s finest architects and construction professionals.
We aim to be at the forefront of consultancy firms, with a strong commitment to our clients and their projects. We are a medium-sized independent company, large enough to handle the most complex of projects, but small enough to respond flexibly to client needs and allow our clients the reassurance of knowing the consultants working on their projects.
Our consultants are all qualified to at least first degree level in acoustics and senior staff are Chartered Engineers. Our consultants back up technical knowledge with practical experience and a pragmatic outlook on solving real-world acoustic problems. They are supported by state of the art instrumentation and computer modelling facilities.
Latest News
It has been an exciting time for Cass Allen over recent months as our team has continued to grow with further recruitment. We now have 11 highly qualified acoustics consultants and we have also welcomed aboard Sue Ambrose, our new Finance Manager. With the rapid growth of the team we have expanded our premises doubling the capacity of our office environment.
Flagship Projects
Cass Allen was appointed as acoustic consultants by Berkeley Homes in 2013 to undertake an EIA as part of the redevelopment of South Quay Plaza. Having completed the Noise and Vibration chapter of the EIA Cass Allen is now carrying out detailed acoustic design for the project which is due to complete in 2020.
Cass Allen are unique amongst acoustic consultancy firms in providing high quality music recording services. Drawing heavily upon our acoustic expertise we are fortunate to work with some of the world’s finest artists in acoustically stunning venues. Recent highlights have been releases for Deutsche Grammophon and Decca. Our recording work is carried out under the Opera Omnia brand www.operaomnia.co.uk.
Since 2011 Cass Allen has also been advising Berkeley Homes on their prestigious One Tower Bridge development. Nestling between City Hall and Tower Bridge, the development consists of nine blocks of residential, commercial and retail space. Our role included negotiating planning conditions with the council, discharging noise-related planning conditions, designing the internal acoustics and sound insulation testing of all of the blocks.
South Quay Plaza

CD Recordings for Deutsche Grammophon and Decca

One Tower Bridge Development

Further Information
Please contact us or visit www.cassallen.co.uk