Measurement and Assessment of Groundborne Noise and Vibration (Red Book)

Measurement and Assessment of Groundborne Noise and Vibration (Red Book)

3rd edition published March 2020, reprinted January 2024.

This essential book provides practical guidelines on  the measurement and assessment of  groundborne noise and vibration. It has been prepared on behalf of the Association of Noise Consultants by specialists in this field. A wide range of vibration issues and sources is covered with particular attention paid to railway vibration and groundborne noise.

This third edition includes a full review of current standards and guidance as well as recent research, and has been expanded to cover a very wide range of topics within its scope. It provides essential guidance on techniques for measurement, prediction, assessment and mitigation of groundborne noise and vibration in a wide range of circumstances and assistance is given in overcoming many of the problems associated with widely different procedures, criteria and equipment adopted across the industry.

Note that this document is only available in printed format.

Purchase Price = £95  (ANC Members £70) +£4.00 p&p    (£10.00 p&p for Overseas)

Payment is required before the order can be sent.

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