ANC campaign raises the voice of acoustics in Tomorrow’s Engineers Week

ANC campaign raises the voice of acoustics in Tomorrow’s Engineers Week

1st November 2018

The Association of Noise Consultants (ANC) will be setting out the benefits of a sound career choice in acoustics as the UK gears up to promote the opportunities in engineering next week.



To mark Tomorrow’s Engineers Week, which runs from 5-9 November, the ANC will be sharing experiences and insight from academics, graduates and those in the acoustics profession through its #ExploreAcoustics initiative.


Designed to attract more students in to the industry, #ExploreAcoustics has been created by the ANC to demonstrate the wide range of opportunities available to students interested in a career in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, (STEM).


Featuring video interviews and in-depth case studies, all the information can be found at


ANC is the professional body representing consultants in acoustics, noise and vibration in the UK – and many of its members are reporting a shortage of graduates.


In fact, in a complete trend reversal compared with other sectors, there are often more acoustics jobs available than there are graduates.


Returning for the sixth year in 2018, Tomorrow’s Engineers Week (#TEWeek18) aims to change perceptions of engineering among young people, their parents and teachers and to inspire future engineers.


STEM Ambassador Vicky Stewart is one of the professionals featured in #ExploreAcoustics. Vicky said: “Tomorrow’s Engineers Week provides a great opportunity to highlight the opportunities in acoustics.


“Few people have heard of this as a career choice, which is why we have developed #ExploreAcoustics to raise awareness.


“Roles in the industry are wide-ranging and include openings in architectural and building acoustics, environmental noise, product design, cinema sound, even sonar and ultrasound.”


More details about Tomorrow’s Engineers Week can be found at