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The Technical Note is available here.
The ANC Working Group (WG) has reviewed BS 4142 and attempted to address any content regarded as ambiguous. There are some instances where the WG has chosen to go beyond strict interpretation of BS 4142 and to offer additional ancillary advice. Wherever possible a group position has been presented. In some cases, where the WG has held a range of views, it has tried to make this clear.
The WG has tried to illustrate the Technical Note with real life examples, some of which were provided by working group members and some of which were helpfully provided by other ANC members. In certain sensitive cases, where the group felt it necessary to alter the reported facts, it has tried to do so without changing the principles on which the assessment decisions and outcomes were based.
The discussion within the document is also intended to assist with the evolution and development of BS 4142 and accompanying guidance.
If you have any comments, questions or suggested edits to the documents, please email us.