We are regularly invited to comment on proposals for new documents, standards, legislation etc.
Consultations are listed below. Please contact us if you would like to contribute to any of these.
Recent Consultations
MCS 020 Consultation response (Jan 24)
TAN11 Consultation Soundscape Design (Jan 23)
ANC Response – Planning for the Future (Oct 20)
IOA-ANC-CIEH response to draft Guidance on Construction Working Hours (July 20)
ANC Consultation Response to Air Quality and Soundscape Review of TAN 11 Wales (May 20)
ANC Consultation Response – The Future Homes Standard (Feb 20)
Archive of ANC Responses to Consultations
Copies of previous responses are shown below
HGV Speed Limit (September 2014)
Housing Standards Review (October 2013)
Wales Government Noise Action Plan (October 2013)
Air Navigation Guidance (September 2013)
Airports Commission Discussion Paper on Airport Noise (September 2013)
Environmental Offences Guidelines (June 2013)
Review of Government Planning Practice Guidance (February 2013)
HPA Noise Workplan (December 2012)
Schools Scotland (December 2012)
Planning Guidance (November 2012)
Aviation Policy Framework (October 2012)
Code of Practice on Noise from Ice-Cream Van Chimes etc 1982 (May 2012)
National Planning Policy Framework (April 2012)
Lane rental schemes in England (October 2011)
Sustainable Framework for UK Aviation (October 2011)
Review of Heathrow’s Noise Mitigation Scheme (July 2011)
Schools Premises Regulations (February 2011)
Sustainability Labelling within Building Standards – Scotland (December 2010)
Noise testing in Scotland (November 2010)
Planning for Schools Development (October 2010)
Future Changes to the Building Regulations (August 2010)
Proposal to exempt small live music events from the Licensing Act 2003 (March 2010)
Permitted development rights for small scale renewables etc (November 2009)