News & BLOGs

Conference 2015

14th May 2015

This year’s conference will be held on Wednesday 24th June at the Crowne Plaza, Birmingham.  The morning sessions cover BB93, and the afternoon covers Planning and Noise followed by presentations on the shortlisted entrants for the Awards.


Full details of the conference programme are available here Conference flyer launch.
To book your places download the Conference Booking Form


Details of...

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Control of Noise at Work – It’s Not Just Red Tape

24th April 2015

The Control of Noise at Work Regulations were introduced to protect the hearing of employees in the workplace, but is it just more red tape?


The ear is an amazing instrument, able to distinguish the most subtle of sounds and also deal with very high sound pressure levels. Inside the ear is a small snail-shaped structure – the Cochlea, which is...

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BS 4142:2014 – The change from a Numbers Game to a Reasoned Argument?

15th April 2015

As the industry standard for assessing industrial and commercial sound, to say BS 4142 has a wide reach would be an understatement. With fundamental changes in the approach taken by the standard, it’s worth considering the impact this will have on those who carry out the assessments, those required to review them, and those that need them.


The latest revision to...

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